Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Dark Forest (Remembrance of Earth's Past #2) by Liu Cixin

 Why is the space so quiet?

How would humanity fare when an advanced civilisation, the Trisolarans, is on its way to invade earth? 

The Dark Forest, the second book after The Three-Body Problem, answers these questions in a gripping and century spanning epic. The story picks up with humanity gearing up to face the consequences of Dr. Ye Wenjie's decision to reinitiate contact with the Trisolarans (read Three-Body Problem), revealing to them Earth's location. In this world nothing on earth is hidden from the Trisolarans due to their advanced technology except for human thoughts.

The Dark Forest is not only set on earth with humanity's hopes pinned on four 'wallfacers' but also in space where humanity is building a formidable space force to face the incoming Trisolarans.